Review of Wild Bill

Wild Bill (2011)
Bill trying to be mild
9 November 2013
Actor Dexter Fletcher turns to directing. Armed with a small budget he seems to have turned to some friends such as Sean Pertwee, Andy Serkis and Olivia Williams to make cameos who appear for a scene or two.

The main performances are from Charlie Creed-Miles who is Wild Bill and his two sons played by Will Poulter and Sammy Williams.

Wild Bill has been released from a eight years stretch under licence and finds out that his two young children living alone for the last nine months. Their mother has abandoned them and hopped it to Spain.

In order for them not to be taken into care he has to be a father to them and gain their respect. Bill has had no presence in their lives due to his stint in jail.

Poulter who is better known through the Narnia films and We're the Millers gives the best performance as a 15 year old who has to work on a building site and care for his younger sibling.

He is matched by Creed- Miles. who has to take responsibility maybe for the first time in his life. Bill has to try to keep in the straight and narrow by avoiding the low life who wants him to go back to drug dealing and deal with the trouble his youngest son has got himself into.

The film is set in Stratford in the shadow of the London Olympic Stadium. It is set a year before the 2012 Olympics.

It does have a very cliché looking urban tower block London setting. It kinds of reminds you of all those Death Wish type films of the 1970s set in New York where you have muggers, drug dealers and rapists in every corner, far outnumbering just ordinary people getting on with their lives.

What is worse you have some white people speaking in black patois which is very irritating.

It is low budget movie making, the film has heart, a very good staged fight scene set in a pub and apart from a paper plane flying scene very little cinematic flair.

It could be something British directors such as Alan Clarke could had knocked out rather easily 30 years ago for the BBC's Play for Today strand.
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