Stop hiring Chris Brown!
23 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers

To be honest the only reason I watched this movie was for the delightful Josh Peck. He is such a great actor. Great comedic timing but he can also do drama as shown in "The Wackness". But I was VERY disappointed when I saw that abusive Chris Brown pop up!

Wow I could feel the fear in the female actress that was hired to work with these guys. Chris Brown's character kept making advances and so on. Disgusting. Stop rewarding his bad behaviour! He raised his hand to a woman! He violated all kinds of laws and is probably in jail/rehab/picking up trash/committing more crimes right now.

Not only did he ruin the movie, and any good morals this society has left in it, but he took ANY suspense out of the movie all while overacting. When they were picking the members of the final 'crew' he was worried he was not going to get picked. WHAT!? He is a famous (sadly) person, why would they only have him in a couple scenes. OF COURSE they are going to pick him. Therefore having him get picked last to build 'suspense' made no sense. As per his unfortunate fame we already knew he would get picked.

Also horrible racial stereotypes abound in this movie. As if ppl are defined by their race! Very backwards thinking. Your race does not define you, your ACTIONS do. So sick of this racist crap.

The movie basically turns out exactly the way you assume it will. Very boring. Worst of all the dancing was crap. Most of the moves are unoriginal and did not deserve the uproarious applause they got. And there is a conflict in the movie that makes no sense other than to further the plot.

Avoid this movie and don't support Chris Brown and/or any project he works on. To do so would be to condone his abusive behaviours.
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