Has Bruce Wayne got his new computer yet?
3 January 2014
If you're fat, ugly or nerdy looking, don't expect to get into the DC Comics superhero clique... all those present are either hunky broad chested men ripped to infinity, or sexy skinny babes in cleavage and navel revealing outfits. Some may complain, but I say thank goodness this is one genre that hasn't fallen to the lamebrained political correctness that's befallen a lot of our culture. Go and sort your own life out, instead of trying to modify everything to suit your insecurities.

Considering the amount of female characters in the film outnumber the males by precisely 50 to 1 (mainly on account of a lot of the action taking place on Wonder Woman's secret Amazonian island, and some extended scenes involving four vicious ladies who form an evil fighting quartet known as The Furies) it seems rather unfair that Batman and Superman are the only ones who are billed on the cover. They're the franchise's biggest stars though, and therefore it's main selling point. Again, get used to it.

It's wall-to-wall fighting, which is much more intense than your traditional animation... hence the 12 certificate. There's individuals slammed into walls at light speed, burnt to a crisp with lasers, almost being devoured by huge beasties... and get this... STABBINGS that result in BLOOD and DEATH. You wouldn't get anything like this on He Man. Oh, I almost forgot, it's also an origin story for a teenage Supergirl, so we have some cute bits involving her introduction into our world. Not to mention, some great repartee between The Caped Crusader and The Man Of Steel, which is worth the price of admission alone.

So, yeah. Pretty cool. 6/10
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