Review of Intelligence

Intelligence (2014)
skip that propaganda piece
11 January 2014
in the shadow of NSA scandals and the fear of the absolute transparent citizen, this series tries to numb your concerns by showing you how well meant and helpful the absolute access to every information in the world, to one guy can be even, in the hands of an unpredictable, mischievous sawyer guy, as long as he is American. skillfully dodging the questions like: "If he can read data, can he also write or change data, for example on your public record?" nah, not this guy, you can read it in his files. and "if he is a human computer, that can access remotely to every system he wants, why does he still have to do fieldwork? to get a look into your bathroom he only needs to think about it. who would know? nobody is monitoring what he is doing with his head." but nah, not that guy, look into his files. (files do not include facebook profiles btw.)

my next question however is: "when will they find the unusually large mass in his brain next to that constantly radiating chip?"

i liked sawyer in lost, because he fitted into that environment and his constant deceptions brought dynamic into the series. but these characteristics contradict the logic based, inhuman personality, that should be expected from someone who is basically a supercomputer. that is just bad writhing right there. you can't even route for the guy, because everything he knows, comes from a chip in his head and he is so full of him self at times, that you just want to pull out a powerful electromagnet and wipe it all.

do not waste your time is, what I want to say.
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