Review of Innerspace

Innerspace (1987)
If you can tolerate Dennis Quaid's faults you will enjoy this one
29 January 2014
Joe Dante reworks Fantastic Voyage into a buddy comedy for Dennis Quaid and Martin Short. Quaid plays a cocky fighter pilot who is chosen to take part in an experiment where he will have to test a miniaturized craft. While inside the machine Quaid is shrunk down to microscopic size. But some bad guys try to hijack the experiment and Quaid winds up injected into the body of a hypochondriac grocery store clerk played by Martin Short. From there, hijinks ensue.

Quaid is annoying, as he almost always was and is. His Joker smile and constant mugging grates on the nerves in the early scenes. He's better when things settle down some. Martin Short is the best part of the cast. Very funny and likable. Always love seeing a pretty young Meg Ryan. Although it reminds me of what she's done to herself since, which is tragic. Kind of the same feeling I get when watching young Melanie Griffith. This is a fun movie. Joe Dante gets to play with special effects and comedy, which is right in his wheelhouse. It's not as interesting or innovative as Fantastic Voyage but it's a very enjoyable movie in its own right.
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