Seagal Does His Usual, Shows Off Bren Foster but Hurts His Career
2 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Pretty much the only good thing about this movie is rising star Bren Foster, real life Tae Kwon Do champion with experience in numerous other martial arts. Foster had previously starred alongside Seagal and Stone Cold Steve Austin in the hokey Maximum Conviction, but in that film, Foster only did literally one kick I believe, and in this film, we get to see more impressive work from him.

They obviously wanted to make him the main character, but skirted embracing that fully, and focus too much on Seagal and Rhames, muddling up the focus of the movie and making Foster feel like more of a side-character than the hero he should be.

That's only the tip of the iceberg with the problems of the film, as it is filled with totally absurd plot holes and goof nonsense. The editing, cuts, transitions, and even the lighting in many scenes is totally off.

Seagal puts on a ridiculous husky Southern accent that fades in and out, and the actions of his character don't really make much sense. For his top hit-man making one mistake in 15 years, he near cripples him, disabling his fingers for most of the movie, leading to one of the most absurd parts of the film, Danny Trejo's short order cook character using ancient South American sorcery involving scorpions to rehabilitate Foster's character. Later on in the film, despite having earlier condemned him to a great deal of pain, Foster and Seagal's character have no bad blood between them, and instantly are friends again.

Ridiculous moments like these are just a small example of how the character interactions in Force of Execution don't make sense. Ving Rhames actually does some good monologues and has a decently threatening presence as a gangster, confined by the movie's awful script. While I'm happy Bren Foster is appearing in more movies and getting more fight scenes, he needs to get out of Seagal's films, he'll be straight-to-DVD material before he can even break out. Jenny Gabrielle is also good as waitress who gets pulled into the fiasco that is the movie's plot, but doesn't get much time to do a whole lot.

This could've been a standard action film focused on Bren Foster's character, Jenny Gabirelle, and Danny Trejo as the charming cook, with just Ving Rhames as the villain, but Seagal and the horrible writing and filmmaking choices bring it down well below average. All that's left is the fight scenes with Foster, a few throw away tough guy lines, and some hilarious so-bad-it's good moments.

I wouldn't recommend unless you're able to appreciate schlocky cinema, or enjoy watching how much more silly Seagals' career can get, like I do.
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