How I Met Your Mother: Last Forever: Part Two (2014)
Season 9, Episode 24
The End
31 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
And How I Met Your Mother comes to a close. This show is special to me because I discovered it on my own. One day I started watching it, and from that moment on I was hooked. I relate to this show in countless ways. I'm a romantic. Makes sense. I loved this episode. The scene right after the wedding when the Gang gets together one last time was perfect because they were saying good bye for some time. That scene was touching. The High Five to end all High Fives was hilarious. HIMYM managed to keep its humor through the entire episode while at the same time filling me with emotions unmatched by other television.

Characters: Barney: His transformation over the series was a writing feat. When he got married it was a too hard to believe. I was convinced it wouldn't work out. It didn't. He wasn't ready for it. He'll never be ready for it. But when he has a child in this last episode, and when he sees it for the first time and says "You are the love of my life. Everything I have and everything I am is yours." That moment was so powerful that I swear I won't see another moment in a story like that for a long time. He grew up. It took him longer than anyone else. But he finally grew up. Lilly: She stayed the same. She loved everyone and wanted them all to be together. But it just wasn't realistic. She was the glue to the Gang. Marshall: He manages to move to Rome, still become a judge, and eventually move on to bigger things. He's also got a wife he's loved his whole life, and at least three kids to keep him busy. This man . . . well, he's one happy man. Robin: She never truly did stop loving Ted. It was something she could hide from herself just as well as she could hide it from others. The pain of watching her ex-husband be happy, and her ex-lover be happy, and her friends be happily married - it was just too much. So she escaped. She left just as Ted planned to do. Ted: I could write a whole book about how amazing Ted's character is and how much he's changed me personally, but unfortunately this review is limited in it's amount of words, and I must minimize it to the best of my abilities. I love how the episode didn't begin with meeting the mother, nor end with meeting the mother. He met her more towards the middle. It was perfect. So perfect. They instantly realized how their lives had intertwined subtly over the years. And I'm pretty sure it was at that moment that they both knew it was something special. Lilly noticed it too. His endurance through love was the story that was told and something we went through with him, and the notion to that was well executed.

My favorite parts: The flashback to when Lilly made both Ted and Barney promise that the only way they could hook up with her is if they married her. That was genius on such a high level that I'm pretty sure the creators are prodigies. They both married her. And they made it work. The decision to divorce between Robin and Barney was coming. It never would have worked out. We all knew that. And yet it wasn't sad. The one thing I didn't like in this episode was how it took Ted so long to marry Tracy. That bothered me a little.

The end: The theory that the Mother was dead has been the most highly-debated theory amongst this show. I was convinced by it. The Time Traveller episode had me suspicious. But the episode where Ted tears up at the words of "What mother misses their daughter's wedding?" is what got me. I knew she would die. And I feared for the end. But they handled it so well and so tenderly that it was sad, but it wasn't soul-crushing depressing. When Ted is telling his kids of how he stood by her side through the rest of her life, I was crying at that point. When he mentioned how she got sick, it was hands down the best way to handle her death. Most people thought it would ruin the series, but you cannot tell me that you hated the finale because she died. I just won't believe you.

We knew the end of the series since the very beginning. Go back and watch the pilot and yep, there's the end. No one suspected it. I mean, people suspected he'd end up with Robin, but who would've thought that he'd bring her the blue french horn and hold it up to her, and she'd look out her window just as she did in the pilot, and then you'd just know.

All in all, this piece of television was strong, and kept true to its characters, and I really couldn't be happier with this conclusion. They didn't try to outdo themselves. They told the story they'd been planning to tell since the beginning. I'm sad that this is going to be my last review of How I Met Your Mother. But I'm glad it ended on a perfect note.

I never expected a credit sequence to be so emotional. My friends, this journey was legen wait-for-it dary. (I'm still pretty curious about where that pineapple came from.)
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