How I Met Your Mother: Last Forever: Part Two (2014)
Season 9, Episode 24
Just Wow! Seriously ?Just No!
1 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
So where to start. I was ready after ep 23 to give this a 10,not after the whole ending,never that is how bad it was and how bad executed it was! I liked HIMYM as it was, some seasons were unnecessary long, some too short. Like season 9 :

1) Whole season 9 tells us the story of Robin's wedding day, which is unnecessary long because it disbands shortly after(not a surprise) but too much unnecessary drama.

2)They could make the wedding on a few episodes and then the rest of the season would be what should be the wider plot of the 2 last episodes, where a lot and I mean a LOT of STUFF actually happened that moved the storyline forward. Not in 2 episodes - it was RUSHED I felt as if they flushed it in the toilet.

3)Then BARNEY is back to his older self in 2 minutes 9seasons of character development -GONE, yeah then he grows up again (9seasons only for a contrast -that is cheap)

4)TRACY- the writers made us love this character, only to kill her afterwards ? If they would give her at least a season of flashbacks to make us prepare then it would be OK, not like this. Where was the gang at the last moments of her life ?Big moments... tcc. No funeral ? No last words ? She was there only to give birth to Ted's children that is all ? If they needed to kill her (still against that) then they should make another season with her.

5) ROBIN and TED , That was the nail into the grave. I would just put up with Barney's change back and forth in 2minutes ! I would even digest, the death of TRACY(even though it was lazy work to make her die so fast, no plot whatsoever-RUSHED), but that he is telling the kids the story to only be with ROBIN again ? WHAT? JUST WHAT? Do you honestly think he would have been able to ? 9 years he was unhappy, unlucky, depressed and wanted to move to Chicago. Then he met Tracy, then she died ?Would you seriously assume that he would not moved away? That he would be sane ? He must have been at THE deepest bottom,destroyed! And that the whole HIMYM series is actually an excuse story for the kids if he can "bang" Robin again ?

Sorry, but just NO, that was too much even for me. I am deleting HIMYM from my minds as it never existed. (True story)
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