How I Met Your Mother: Last Forever: Part Two (2014)
Season 9, Episode 24
My opinion of the finale
1 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I think people misunderstood the main point of this finale. Most people seem to think this: Ted was supposed to meet this amazing girl (not Robin)who would be everything Ted has been searching for, but instead the writers took a cheap exit and killed off the mother so that Ted could be with Robin. I might be wrong, but this is what I think: Ted is telling the kids about how he met their mother. But, the real story is that Ted has only ever loved two girls, The mother and Robin. But, after a while he gave up on Robin and she gave up on him and (as the time-line in the episode shows) they drifted apart. Robin stopped believing in "the gang" because the gang was really just Ted, the guy she should have married. Ted met the amazing woman he had been searching for, and he married her, but this amazing woman, got sick. Ted stayed with her through it all, but in the end, no matter how hard you try to cling to the past, its already gone. Ted is telling his kids this story because he loved their mother and he'll never truly be ready to get back out there and meet someone new. Ted's only ever loved two girls, and the other reason he's telling the kids this story is because he is and always has been, in love with Robin. That's what I think the meaning of the finale was.If you compare how many episodes the mother was in as opposed to how many episodes Ted showed how much he loved Robin, you would be comparing about 8 episodes with almost three quarters of the show. Nobody deserves to have the love of their life taken away, but Ted, he didn't deserve it one bit. Robin may not have been the mother, but she's the love of Ted's life and in the end, wasn't that what Ted was always searching for? In the end it is kind of touching, the way Ted is telling his kids this story. To remember how he fell in love with their mother might only take an hour, but to remember how he fell in love with Robin, well, that would take a lifetime of stories to tell.

My review 11/10 for reminding me why I loved this show in the first place. Its about reality and I will always remember How I Met Your Mother because it wasn't just a sitcom, it was a story.
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