Apur Panchali (2013)
Story of the man destined to be Apu all his life
28 April 2014
ApurPanchali is 97 minutes of pure cinematic delight. A simple, heart-wrenching movie devoid of violence, unnecessary songs,unnecessary titillation. Amidst mostly trash movies being churned out all around, Apur Panchali is like a breath of fresh air which will leave you with happy moments as well as a lump in your throat. Its a collage of moments dipped in nostalgia, a look back to the age and simplicity we have left behind and the tale of an ordinary man told in an extraordinary way. Kudos to director Kaushik Ganguly for writing such a brilliant screenplay. The way he creates a parallel between the real life of a man and the resemblance with the trilogy scene by scene is commendable. A splendid narration of the tale of a man destined to be Apu all his life; not just an attachment to the name, but the life of the character itself. When else can truth be stranger than fiction when your reel life stint uncannily directs your real life and you inexorably live with it. The most celebrated child actor in world cinema who has led years of oblivion,miles away from the arc lights, cannot forget how as if the Apu Trilogy was written for him to act. The sad part being he had to act it painfully in his real life. And how beautifully that dilemma,pain,frustation has been portrayed by Parambrata Chattopadhyay and Ardhendu Banerjjee. Ardhendu Banerjee is a revelation. The way he stares marks him as a lonely man battered by the vicissitudes of life. The making and breaking with the romanticism around Apu will make you realize that their are things in life beyond mobile phones and popcorn tubs in the hall. Parno Mittra will steal you heart away with her innocence,sweetness and naivety.She will make you smile and make you cry within hardly 5 minutes of screen timing alloted to her. The sweet and subtle romance between Parambrata and Parno in those short moments will make you want to fall in love. Lovely cinematography by Shirsha Ray and fantastic direction by Kaushik Ganguly proves that he is one of the best filmmakers we are fortunate to have now. Indraadip Das Gupta 's music will just haunt you. He has taken the iconic musical piece of Pather Panchali by Pandit Ravishankar to a different level and what an auditory treat it is! A balm for the soul hurt in cacophony all around. The film starts with that music, plays all throughout and ends with it and yet you never feel bored. You just want it to go on and on. Seldom seen just a beautiful interval and ending. Truly portrayed brilliantly by the actors and Indraadip Dasgupta's lilting music accentuates the poignancy. Tears well up and flow unknowingly at many a moments. Ardhendu Banerjee moists your eyes when he sadly keeps staring at the curtains made by his long deceased wife. His bonding with Gaurav Chakraborty is endearing and he too is another revelation in this film. Parambrata simply wrenches out your heart in the end when he tears off the armlet tied around his hand in anger and pain. The scene can move even a rock to tears. The look he gave while his wife was lovingly tying it fills your heart with romance and at the next moment when he realizes how uncannily he lost her like Apu in Apur Sansar, he breaks down in tears and you cannot help a drop or two roll down our eyes. These moments create Apur Panchali .The winding road which Apu or Subir takes at the end reaffirms that you don't need a huge budget or foreign locales to make a beautiful film. There are places closer home and emotions close to the heart. Even today a tiny room on the terrace is way more romantic than a posh high rise and Apur Panchali proves it. Was haunted by its aura , still is and will be for days.

P.S. People who go to movies just for sheer entertainment, or are not emotional and do not like to slow down, prefer receiving calls in the hall please avoid and spare the others.
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