Teen Wolf (2011–2017)
Maturing with its Audience
12 May 2014
Look, lets be honest and admit that season1 Teen Wolf wasn't great, it showed signs of great humour, horror and was extremely inclusive in terms of some real life teenage themes. Again, it wasn't great but it showed potential.

Now after finishing it's third season, it is clear that, Teen Wolf has done something that not many shows have the guts to do, and that is, it has matured with its audience. The creator and producers behind the show have realized that people age alongside the show, that we are not the same people from season1 and thus they have enabled Teen Wolf to reach it's potential and beyond. Now we have fully fleshed out relationships, more adult and sexual themes (which c'mon everyone loves), some more suspenseful scenes with a fair amount of horror and still they have managed to include school into their lives consistently (something that is totally frustrating in so many TV shows). Plus the music on the show is awesome.

Don't give up after season 1, persevere because I guarantee that it will be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
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