A Fun Movie with Nostalgia
25 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
OK, perhaps folks take this movie too seriously? Or perhaps I am not a critic so I am not too serious? #1 I used to play with Lego toys so I like this movie. #2 the movie was actually good! It had a great plot. Sadly some of our adult live action movies need to take a lesson! The villains were devious as they should be! The Joker I loved because he is exactly the way he should be...CRAZY! All should beware of the Joker even if you think you are on the same team. You just never know with him. The comedy was unexpected but I loved it. I laughed a lot throughout the movie which I think was a nice touch that way a parent and the children can enjoy the movie together. I like how Batman had issues and an attitude problem. Superheroes are not perfect and should not be portrayed as such. They have issues they need to work out so they can...wait a minute...be be better heroes! My favorite was seeing Batman and Superman at the bus stop. Too funny! Seeing all the Justice League in the end was marvelous! I thoroughly enjoyed it for the fun movie it is and please just enjoy it and don't make it more then what it is just fun for the whole family.
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