Final Jeopardy (1985 TV Movie)
Rare classic
31 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
At the time this movie was probably forgotten among the sea of classics from the 80s.

While I try not to spoil the plot of a thriller such as this, in some cases it is inevitable so please read cautiously.

Richard Thomas and the lovely Mary Crosby play a small town couple (Marty and Susan Campbell) who are visiting the city. Marty is here to create some business while Susan has come along for shopping and company.

The build up to the drama and threat that follows is rather well crafted, for example Marty's navigation and direction taking skills are shown to be 'not good' from the start and while his character is smart, his vulnerability due to the quick emotional decisions he makes its portrayed very well. Richard Thomas is no stranger to playing multi-layered characters and his performance in this raises the movie above the TV level standards.

I also liked the performance of Mary Crosby as Susan, she brings a very lovable innocence and strength to the character, again making the chase scenes more thrilling because you care about her character so much.

While some of the scenes do not follow the logic you think they should (ie why didn't they persist in calling a taxi or persist in calling the police? etc) the performances of the two characters are so well crafted by Richard Thomas and Susan Crosby (there is definitely a chemistry between them which is great on screen.) that you will care about Marty and Susan and their decisions become more believable within the context of the story.

There are some thrilling set pieces, such as the sewer sequence, the chase on the subway train, the phone booth sequence and the final chase.

Definitely worth a watch - a popcorn evening thriller with some nice drama.
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