The Whistleblower: the kind of film that makes your blood boil.
10 June 2014
On one side a woman seeking justice on behalf of girls trafficked from Eastern Europe. On the other a huge organization ready to cover up for its men involved with the misdeed. If you consider that the film is based on real events and that the Organization in question is UN you'll understand how you'll feel in the end. After watching the movie I went to check (on Wikipedia) what the actual facts were and it came out that what I saw was pretty close to reality. And this, of course, only heightened the anger.

But besides that, this is a very good film, Rachel Weisz plays a great Kathryn Bolkovac with her Nebraskian stubbornness and her maternal comprehension for the victims of human cruelty. The story flows naturally and the attention is kept high all the time.

I realized that this was a delicate matter by the fact that the name of the Agency involved, DynCorp was changed (in Democra) on the screen and that UN chief in Bosnia at that time, Mr Jacques Paul Klein, is never mentioned. I also read that some criticism was raised about the violence depicted in the movie. Well, I didn't find anything even remotely excessive in there. But, you know, maybe I'm too tough (eh, eh…).
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