What a Waste of a good Character
14 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
***Spoilers Ahead*** You know you're in trouble when you see 'written,directed, and produced' by the same person, but in this case Leone also grabs the editing and Special Effects slots too. The only silver lining here is Art the Clown, who is brilliantly conceived and executed by both the director and actor. He is demonically delicious and could have been the tentpole for an endless series of sequels, so bravo to Mike Gianelli. His cutscenes steal the movie, if not so much his actual section. Unfortunately, everything else Leone crafted is half- assed at best, and at worst falls back on the worse aspect of the horror genre : "I like to rape, torture and slaughter pretty young women! Cuz it's Scary Right!?!?!" Nope, it's dull and unoriginal, and I'm sorry you didn't get dates in high school Mr. Leone... Where the Art the Clown costuming/make up is concise and effective, the Scuba Alien is like something you could buy at Wal-Mart for Halloween. Where the art painting of Art is fantastic, the subway demons are unfinished and silly. I would have been more impressed that Leone crossed the horror film taboo line with the brother/sister, but the pregnant assault (for NO apparent reason to the story) and the final 'slut/whore/cu*t' carvings scene were too ludicrously misogynistic to accept seriously. This had cult potential but unfortunately is failed by not enough cooks in the kitchen.
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