Paramedicine with humor on the side
20 June 2014
Mother, Jugs & Speed concerns a rivalry between two ambulance companies and their cutthroat efforts to muscle the other out of business. Allen Garfield's company the F&B Ambulance Corporation seems to be losing out. Then again with some of the help he's got do we wonder why.

For those who are used to seeing Bill Cosby as lovable Cliff Huxtable you're in for quite a change. Cosby is almost stepping into Richard Pryor territory as the cynical and flippant Mother, a nickname no doubt abbreviated from something else.

No doubt who Jugs is. Raquel Welch plays Garfield's secretary who wants to go out in the field as a paramedic. Garfield being the chauvinist that he is just won't go for it. Later on however Raquel proves her worth and her being a female paramedic helps Garfield in a crisis moment.

Speed is a young Harvey Keitel who is a policeman facing pending charges. He needs an income and police training gives him a leg up in the hiring department.

Let's just say that Garfield's company cuts a lot of corners, doesn't follow a lot of rules. They've even got a working agreement with an ambulance chasing shyster played by Severn Darden. This man is literally chasing the ambulances for clients. Biggest rule breaker is Cosby. You can't conceive of Cliff Huxtable doing what he does.

If your sense of humor tends to black comedy Mother, Jugs & Speed is your kind of film. It could use a remake, I could see this as a Brangelina project myself.
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