Unwelcome (2014)
Unwelcome a very solid debut for director, Nasty Nate
21 July 2014
The only complaint I have about this film is that it was not longer. Alas, I can hardly be unbiased as my best friend is the writer/director, but if there is one thing I know, it is film. Considering that this is Erdel's debut film, the future is quite promising, so Hollywood better watch out, cause Nasty Nate is not far from knocking on their door in the near future.

The short film was acted well, shot well, and came off as professionally produced. Sound is incredibly easy to mess up while location shooting, but the sound came through crystal clear. The technical merits of this film will go unnoticed due to its compelling story. I suppose I could've used a little more blood and gore, but shooting on little to no budget is a bitch, what can you do?

Victor Miller was awesome! He knows he's awesome. Horror legends always do.
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