Cheese as only The Hoff can dish it out.
10 August 2014
Roger "White Bread" Donaldson (David Hasselhoff) is a bounty hunter whose sleazy boss (Charlie Brill) assigns him a rich girl, Nettie Ridgeway (Linda Blair), who'd witnessed the murder of a boyfriend by your standard issue scummy drug runners. His job will ultimately be to make sure that she is in court to testify against the villains, even if he has to go into Mexico to do it. Fortunately, on his side he has his faithful friends Mason "Blue" Walcott (Tony Brubaker), a former football player, and Casper "Bean" Garcia (Thomas Rosales Jr.).

As written and directed by veteran stuntman Max Kleven (whose previous directorial efforts include "Ruckus" (also with Blair) and "The Night Stalker"), this is adequate action entertainment with respectable set pieces, a reasonable amount of energy and humour, a jaunty and hilarious Chuck Cirino music score, and a ready and willing cast. The Hoff brings all his charisma to the proceedings (he and Blair also did the horror film "Witchery" together), and he, Brubaker, and Rosales are a moderately amusing team. (If you don't see this for anything else, see it for the engaging Brubaker and Rosales, two more very experienced stuntmen and bit players who get rare substantial co-starring roles here.) Blair is cute and appealing as always.

Also among the supporting cast are John Vernon (he'd previously acted with Blair in "Chained Heat" and "Savage Streets" and plays her dad here), Gregory Scott Cummins ("Stone Cold" '91) as the suave villain Zalazar, Wayne Montanio as heavily stereotyped character Felix, Bob Minor as fighter King Clive, Roy Jenson as a guard, George 'Buck' Flower as ...what else?... a bum, and Danny Trejo as a character dubbed 'Mean'. Ravishing Debra Lamb has one memorable scene as a motel clerk.

As for the rest of the movie, it's all watchable enough but also instantly forgettable.

Five out of 10.
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