Review of Loving Leah

Loving Leah (2009 TV Movie)
Sweet unusual film - but somewhat unrealistic
6 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The basic plot about a young religious widow whose unobservant brother in law decides to "fake" marry her because he misunderstands Yibum / Halitzah (which by the way -almost always Halitzah- is still practiced and the brother in law doesn't have to be single ) and feels guilty about having lost contact with his suddenly deceased Religious "rabbi" (not all religious Jews are Rabbis) brother. Leah the widow agrees because she sees it as an option to get more freedom and control over her life - her mother is pressuring her to remarry and doesn't approve of her wanting to go to collage. This part of the plot while unusual could be believable. As a religious Jew, I found an number things unrealistic or overly omitted. Firstly no mention of Jake's (or anyone's) need to say Kaddish (a prayer in affirming g-d in honor of the dead) for his brother. Little things - like when did Leah change the dishes so she could eat off them and cook in his kitchen. But most unrealistic that Leah would go to a reform synagogue and spend Shabbat with a reform Rabbi woman or not(Reform Jews do not observe the Sabbath in a way Leah would /could identify with and generally do not keep kosher). Judaism is a very family and community based religion. While Leah might have wanted more freedom and might there for have avoided the very closed orthodox type of community she came from... it is more logical and reasonable for her to join a modern orthodox -young Israel community or at lest a conservative synagogue. She apparently found kosher food stores and a kosher Chinese restaurant. Also was a lack of spiritual growth in Jake that could make the meeting of their worlds and hearts more realistic. Again the film and acting was quite good but had there been more development of the growth and changes that were bringing Leah and Jake together it could have been much ,much better.
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