Penny Dreadful (2014–2016)
Don't be so sure you'll like this show.
11 September 2014
This show has everything to make an awesome show. I was expecting a lot but after watching the first season I ended up quite disappointed. Problem is that I should have liked this show. I like this type of shows, I like Showtime shows, I like the period and the theme. I even like the main actors.

This show is strange, awkward, slow, doll, lame, boring and often quite stupid and frustrating. I was always hoping it would get better but it never did. I fell asleep many times trying to watch the whole thing. I don't get how some people can claim this is scary even a little, I've seen spiders scarier than anything in this show. Everything in this show was done better so many times...

They mix creatures like vampire, werewolf and demon and characters like Van Helsing, Frankenstein or Dorian Gray. Yet the only thing I actually found interesting was this Dorian Gray which is really just some eccentric British dude...

At first characters are interesting cause you don't know anything about them so its the mystery around their story that is interesting. Yet the more you get to know the more they become lame and boring...

There's not a lot of action and when there is some its quite ordinary, banal and lame. The main story is quite messed up, slow paced and not interesting. Again the more you understand what's going on the more you think they had nothing to say and just wanted to mix things together to make a dark Gothic show.

On a more positive note its visually awesome, the costumes, accents, scenery and everything 19th century-like is really well made. Actors are all very good. Also I like how its always dark, dark colours and dark mood. Its nice that its a very mature show for adult.

Still, if they make more of this I hope they'll come up with a story that is actually a little bit interesting... I mean, this is not asking too much...
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