Best. Gamer comedy. EVER.
16 September 2014
I don't know if I can put this in perspective for the poor souls who have yet to check this movie out on YouTube or buy a half-dozen DVDs in support of the making of The Gamers 3.

It's funny. Going to get that out right away, it's funny. And not just if you're a gamer. They actually don't make a lot of jokes about Dungeons & Dragons the game or any other game for that matter. They focus more on character-driven comedy, like when one player kills a random civilian in an effort to speed up the story. His in- game excuse was so great that they got not one but TWO jokes out of it.

Unlike such unholy abominations as The Guild, these characters are actual characters. One's a perverted college student who roleplays as one of his professors (who also happens to be female; still funny). Another's the owner of the game store where they play, who also has a bad habit of dying a lot (oh, the hilarity they get from THAT gag). Player 3 is a TRUE obsessive gamer. Oh, you thought The Guild crew were too into the game? They know naught about gaming! This movie portrays how obsessive a gamer ACTUALLY is; he does not just formulate strategies to be thrown out in the first round of combat, he studies his adversaries, LEARNS their strengths as well as their weaknesses, and commits them to memory so that he may be better equipped to destroy him with his mighty Basic Melee Weapon Attack (a second one if he commits a Full-Round Action to it).

Rounding out the cast is Joanna, a newcomer who serves as the audience's guide through the campaign while getting a formal education on one of gaming's more bizarre creations: Ninja Burger. With pirates. Why pirates? Go watch the movie and find out.

The Dungeon Master also doubles as the party's policeman (a paladin) in order to keep Players 1 through 3 in line before they kill off too many random nameless civilians (and one named Willem, I think).

Summing up, this movie not only serves as a guide to gaming's more eccentric personalities but also goes out of its way to sneak in a basic education on how to play. And even though the main 3 gamers are totally out of their minds (like most of the people I prefer to game with), their over-the-top personalities are tempered by the more grounded Joanna and Dungeon Master. The jokes are clever and the story leads to oodles of comedic opportunities, every one of which is taken advantage of.

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