A Bit Better Than It Looks
22 September 2014
Its often brought up how a lot of childhood movies are surprisingly dark. Most of the claims are a bit exaggerated, but The Brave Little Toaster truly is a bit morbid. I know friends who were afraid of it as kids!

At its heart, its not an important tale. A boy leaves his favorite appliances behind, and they want to find him. You've got the friendly, confident toaster, a tough vacuum, a shy electric blanket, an unconfident lamp, and a snappy radio. They're not complex, but they're likable, and have their moments.

Two things prevent it from being a typical children's movie. First of all, as I said, its pretty dark. It has loneliness, nightmares, and what's essentially death. Its not a horror film by any means, but it does have some creepiness to it. Secondly, its musical numbers are quite catchy. When these are combined together, you've got the song "Worthless". Its one of the best songs I've seen in a movie, and makes the film "worthy" alone.

I wouldn't call it great, but for a kid's movie about a toaster, its very watchable. If you're in the mood, its a nice movie to watch once.
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