Would it work for me if it was called "Simon and Hall"?
29 September 2014

For some reason this show is always on IFC when I'm up in the middle of the night for any variety of reasons (but mostly urinary issues).

Anyway, if I can't get back to sleep, it's time to start flipping channels, and these two quirky gals are enough to make me stop the churn.

I first saw them on an episode of "The Soup" and was curious enough to find out more about them. Turns out they've been "LA musical comedy stars" for at least five years, and IFC gave them a shot at a show. The show is interesting and ironic, the jokes come pretty fast, the ukulele certainly is today's go-to instrument for hipster comedy, BUT THE LAUGHS JUST AREN'T THERE for me.

Your mileage may vary, as I'm just a boring, early-onset AARP white guy and not an early 30-something single navigating this world we call 2014, so check them out if you care to.
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