Powerpuff Girls Z (2006–2007)
It's Teen Titans Go, Only Somehow Even Dumber
1 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I am not a major fan of the original Powerpuff Girls cartoon. It could be really good at times, and I used to watch it while it aired, but I don't have anything much to say about it other than "It's good. It's not bad, it's not great, it's just 'good'."

By contrast, I have A LOT to say about this piece of sheit (referring to the English dub).

First: the animation. They have taken Craig McCraken's edged, distinctly "Powerpuff Girls" design and turned it into watered down anime. The character designs are boring and unmemorable (Mojo Jojo's the worst, with a design that clearly rips off Piccolo from Dragon Ball Z). The backgrounds look like they were made by a YouTube animator. Heck, I've seen web cartoons on YouTube with more professional looking animation.

Second: the characters. These are some of the most obnoxious, unfunny, zero-dimensional characters I have ever seen, and I've sat through episodes of Teen Titans Go. None of the Girls have any unique characteristics. They're not even simple archetypes. No, they are CARICATURES of archetypes: watered-down and completely interchangeable with one another. Oh, and did I mention this superhero show has NO SUPERHEROES?

Someone out there is calling foul on that statement. Let me elaborate. Would a superhero run away in terror (keywords are "in terror") at the first sign of villainy? Would a superhero allow a villain who admitted to breaking into their home walk away without a second thought? Would a superhero allow three disgusting boys to terrorize random people with their disgusting ways?

And now we get to the biggest sin of the show: the premise. It's the Teen Titans Go premise: "Beloved characters who used to take part in strong, entertaining stories are now reduced to comic relief and random shenanigans." Except here, it's done a million times worse. Not only do the Power Puff Girls have NO character, but they also have no SUPERPOWERS. Oh, sure, they can fly, and, yeah, they have those retarded toys that they use to pick away at an enemy, but the Girls themselves are WEEEEEAK.

For those of you who say, "It's a parody", no, it's not. It doesn't poke fun of the original show or Dragon Ball Z nor does it attempt to emulate either one in any way. So if it IS trying to be parody, that only adds another level of "FAIL" to the pile.

And for those who say, "It's for kids. Don't judge it too harshly", I have to ask: what the f**k do you let your kids watch? This? Out of all the amazing cartoons out there like Samurai Jack, Darkwing Duck, Peter Pan & The Pirates, Batman: The Animated Series, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Xiaolin Showdown, The Real Ghostbusters, Ed Edd 'n' Eddy, Justice League, and Animaniacs, THIS is what you want influencing your impressionable child? This concoction of idiocy and nobody-in-the-production-team-giving-a-crap? THIS?!
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