Cas & Dylan (2013)
Tatiana Maslany does well with Richard Dreyfuss
22 November 2014
Cas Pepper (Richard Dreyfuss) is a 30 year veteran doctor in a Winnipeg hospital who is suffering some sort of life changing experience. His dog dies. Dylan Morgan (Tatiana Maslany) is a talkative compulsively-lying writer who spends her time in the hospital getting inspiration. Cas reluctantly drives her home. She leaves her notebook in his car, and even more reluctantly, he goes back to return her book. Her boyfriend Bobby comes chasing her out with a gun. Cas hits Bobby with the car and they both go on the run. He's going west. Dylan finds that Cas is trying to write some sort of end-of-life note. Both are holding onto their secrets. Oh and Bobby's not really hurt.

Tatiana is playing the MPDG role except without the romance. She's great at this manic character. She has some hilarious lines. Richard Dreyfuss is playing the straight man reminiscent of 'What About Bob?'. They're both great at their roles. It's a fun road movie mostly for the two actors involved. Jason Priestley is a competent director. He's not really showing anything special but it looks very professional despite it being a low budget indie. I would like a few more dramatic scenes to build to the final act and dig into Cas' past a little more. Both actors are able to transition well nevertheless.
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