26 November 2014
I am a middle-aged woman who knows nothing about Aaliyah. I also don't watch Lifetime that often but, this afternoon, their programming seemed to suck the least. This movie came on in the middle of the afternoon after something else I was watching went off; I kept it on for background noise. Began to pay enough attention to start realizing this was going to be a true waste of 2 hours. The dialog is sappy. The acting is ridiculous (although, I think they probably did the best they could considering the material they were given). the "performance" scenes were badly produced and choreographed. I Googled to find out why a movie about a girl that young was being made. What happened to her was horrible, and this was a horrible way to tell her short life story. If this is typical of what Lifetime produces, they need to give up trying to do this on their own.
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