Previews WRECKED a fun movie
29 November 2014
I would give the movie a 9 if you are seeing it someplace other than the theater. We had to endure 25 minutes - literally - of previews and some of them (in particular Pan) are NOT kid friendly. My 4 year old enjoys a movie and has no issues sitting through them. Before the movie had even started he was asking to go home. Parents around us were actually complaining out loud with every new preview (now that's a first). What made it worse was the movie starts a bit slowly. I thought we were in trouble and I basically had to insist that we stay.

The movie itself was surprisingly entertaining and funny. Both myself and my son laughed throughout (although at different parts). What was a really nice change is the "adult humor" wasn't completely based on sex like has been the trend on so many Disney and Pixar films as of late. Much of it was clever with fun references to other movies.

My four year old - who likes Madagascar - laughed and cheered. The bad guy wasn't too bad and there was enough action to keep everyone's attention. The movie did run a bit long but that was really due to the previews. My son got pretty restless near the end.

Who knew that penguins could be so enjoyable???

I would definitely recommend Penguins but NOT at the movie theater (which pains me to say). If you are a parent wait for the DVD or streaming. They really wrecked a fun movie going experience. Clearly the executives and marketers don't have the children that should be the target audience for this movie.
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