Weird idea of a comedy
10 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The most annoying thing for me was the awful camera work. Worse than any porno I've ever seen. The characters were all unsympathetic and the only redemption came at the end, when the girl said: "I think we should make up". She actually said it twice, and my partner thought she said: "Break up", not "make up", which puts a whole different spin on the entire film, doesn't it?

I guess the film-makers (who are most of the cast) came into some money somehow (Netflix seems to have been in there, although it seems incredible in 2005, when they were still mailing DVDs across the country). The story is a road-movie/comedy, although lots of joke opportunities were lost, and the "puffy chair" in question gets burned in a parking lot before the gift opportunity occurs. I doubt if they spent much more on it than the price of a decent second-hand car.

Katie Aselton looked very pretty and shapely throughout (although we never got anywhere near seeing any of her assets), although her role was definitely whingeing bitch --- well wouldn't you be, with her partner? These musician guys are impossible.
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