Nightcrawler (2014)
The Advantages of Psychopathology in a Laissez Faire Capitalist System
24 December 2014
Lou is a sociopath. Its established at the beginning of the film. Lou will beat you senseless for 100 feet of chain link fence and a fake Rolex.

That he has the drive and audacity to thwart the conventions of decent behaviour without regard to human cost marks him as a sure winner in our dog eat dog world ( unregulated or laissez faire capitalism).

And win he does as he exploits any and every vulnerability his avaricious instincts detect. Whether it be the vulnerability of a news director depending on ratings to keep her job or a down and out young homeless man who will do anything to improve his circumstances.

He's found inspiration, valediction and encouragement in his discovery of 'deep' business platitudes masquerading as acumen on the internet.

Sought, found and, proudly, digested and regurgitated context free, at every opportunity he exhorts and extorts and threatens with the naive impunity of the sociopathic internet autodidact that he is. He is proof that knowledge is power and that a little knowledge is a very dangerous thing indeed

All vulnerabilities must be seen as opportunities and exploited immediately without any regard or the well being of the people involved. They have been deigned by fate to further his cause. That's just how it is in is in his twisted little narcissistic world.

Its an ambitious film that takes on the reality of a society where opportunity is freed from the restraints of common decency by a winner take all ethos fuelled only by the bottom line. This is our dystopia just slightly exaggerated for effect.

A brilliant film expertly realised by all involved.
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