Review of Stardust

Stardust (2007)
Where did this pile of twoddle come from?
26 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The UK film industry is in a bad enough state without some producer coming up with this feeble idea about "stars". All he could muster was two worn-out old ladies: Claire Danes (who looked really plain in some shots) and Michelle Pfeiffer. It was impossible to understand whence Claire Danes's role came: the Moon? Anyway, lots of much bigger stars turned down the role, probably as soon as they read the vacuous, derivative, extremely thin, screenplay written by Jane Goldman. Just to assure himself that he would lose the studio about $50m, the producer Neil Gaiman hired Robert De Niro for a cameo role. Huge loss guaranteed by that choice. The characters rush about, although we the viewers have little idea of what's happening. Peter O'Toole, in what must have been his last role, spoke his lines clearly enough to set up the ridiculous plot, but we still did not understand.This is Neil Gaiman's revenge on Britain, I guess, since he's moved to the USA.
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