Review of Love, Rosie

Love, Rosie (2014)
i saw it coming but i kept watching
12 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
yes, maybe it is true that the trailer gave away spoilers which made the movie a little bite more predictable, but admit it, we kept watching. why? i'll tell you why, the story of the movie are familiar in the audience life, our life. i mean, who haven't have the experience of being friendzoned, or pretending to like someone just to make someone we really like jealous, or even wondering if we've wasted our chance to find our true love because we screwed up. love, rosie get that, the film told a story about rosie and alex, best friend who can't get it together when it comes to feelings about each other. they have to live a miserable love life because they're unable to be honest with each other, and have to wait until they're both old to finally admit, and when they do admit, the timing's not perfect. what more could you want? the film also give the audience the best ending, where best friend who love each other actually ended up together, not separated.
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