This movie will make you believe in miracles!
19 February 2015
This movie will definitely make you suspend reality and take a trip inside some imaginative fun, where five tenants faces eviction when their beloved apartment is about to be demolished. The developers hire a local gang to force them to leave, but, visiting outer space aliens in the form of miniature flying saucers visit the tenants and use their powers to help them.

I remember watching this movie on and off when I was a kid and really enjoyed seeing those miniature flying saucers mingling in with the humans and helping them in any way they can. The special effects team did a great job in making the aliens believable and Matthew Robbins did a pretty nice job directing, keeping the story going at a fairly fast pace, though, the plot is pretty basic with few twists.

Hume Cronyn and Jessica Tandy had great chemistry together and made great character leads. I did, though, wished more emphasis were placed on Michael Carmine and Elizabeth Pena and wished there were a little more action coming from the aliens. It would have made the plot a bit more exciting.

But, overall, this is still a pretty nice film and is fine for the entire family. It is imaginative and out-of-this-world, but will make you have faith in miracles.

Grade B-
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