Alias: Almost Thirty Years (2002)
Season 1, Episode 22
"It's bigger than I thought" (dialog, Sydney)
4 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
You need to understand that the goal of every great series is to end each season on a high note.

Some succeed. Some don't. But this conclusion to the first season of Alias tries harder than any other finale in recent (or even long term) memory.

And nails it.

The story opens with the ongoing tale of the husband and wife, Rifkin and Irving. Now, here is the point, many shows would be content to simply offer this multi-layered treat to the viewer and consider THAT to be enough for the finale. Here is Rifkin, who was very restrained in the series so far, acting his heart out, literally, at the choices he must make, and Amy Irving, one of the great "faces" in film for over 50 years, matching him emotion for emotion. The scene where he reveals that he does not work for the CIA is itself forgettable.

Turns out that was just the warmup. For the rest of the show we have new insights into the relationships of the characters, a traitor is discovered, a partnership becomes shaky, a tortured man turns on his torturer, feelings are revealed -- I mean, the hits just keep on coming.

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