Review of CSI: Cyber

CSI: Cyber (2015–2016)
Using the CSI Name won't save this series!
4 March 2015
I've never been a fan of Arquette and now that she won an Oscar I'm sure the shows written post-Oscar will include even more of her unfortunately. I am a fan of Peter MacNichol however he won't be able to save it either. It seems they are trying too hard to "dumb down" the show by explaining each and every technical aspect. Using the tried and true formula of animation and music is pointless. Too bad they just can't allow CSI to end gracefully! I will continue to watch each show until I simply can't stand it but if you are wanting to get in to some great new series, this will only disappoint! My suggestion would be to go and watch the entire "The Wire" series or Kevin Spacey's early days in the "Wiseguy" series!
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