Remedial at best
6 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I'm being generous when I give this review a 3/10. There's a lot of issues with this season but some are forgivable. The budget was a factor that dragged it down because they couldn't work with certain areas. The budget is not an excuse for lazy writing, poor direction, inconsistent pacing, weak characters, and abysmal action. Watching this show and only having Mack develop was a huge let down. The characters have flat personalities especially the villains. Tyzonne is a character that had some work done in his introduction but nothing later. His backstory and origins were interesting along with is introduction. I did not appreciate Dax. His actor is pure crap. He's too spastic and makes pauses in his clumsy delivery. It's odd for someone who graduated the Australian school of arts. He has no excuse. He could barely hide his accent. His character's input was his references to movies. He's obnoxious. Ronny is annoying because she's too happy-go-lucky to be tolerated. She has zero development and is a boring character as a whole. She was more focused on the vehicles which sort of ties in with her occupation. Rose was okay as in she wasn't stupid or annoying. She's smart and has a different backstory which is newly good. She was decently acted. Will was obnoxious and snobby. I did like his slight turnover to miratrix but that failed as she was able to release Kamdor. He wasn't stupid or annoying but he needed development. Tyzonne was poorly acted and the emotional backstory felt forced. He's a mercurion but he should have been more useful knowing the fearcats and other villain factions. Mack is pretty good. His personality is adventurous and determined to know what's right for him. His character occurred at the end and it was well handled. I like him as a character but doesn't seem like a great leader. His dad didn't approve of him being a ranger so why did everyone listen to him at first? Spencer and Hartford were not much to work with. Spencer is witty and funny, while Hartford was just kind of annoying and secretive. The villains were bad for their simple cliché personalities. They were all evil for just being evil. Miratrix and Kamdor wanted to rule while the fearcats wanted to destroy it as a whole. Moltor and Flurious were the main villains but have boring personalities. Done with characters. The action scenes are boring with the lack of martial arts and just replaced them with explosions. The special effects were also weak too. The plot was fairly interesting as they had to travel to find the jewels. I did not like that they all didn't distinguish themselves. Finding the artifacts and having them be useful to find other artifacts made it look interesting. I liked it a lot. The pacing is bad as things go too quickly so that we don't have time to invest in the single episode stories. The team up was pretty bad. The other rangers that showed up was cool but the overdrive team was stupid. They did nothing to earn their powers back and they were not justified into giving up on operation overdrive. The acting is overall terrible say for few moments scattered throughout. Overall the season is bad except for a few good moments like Mack's character arch and the treasure hunting plot. I think Megaforce is the worst season but this didn't do much better.
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