Highly subjective review. Be Warned. This is my opinion of what I've just seen.
28 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Robots have invaded earth 3 years ago. The war lasted 11 days. They have 1 rule. Don't leave your home. "film begins"

Is that it? What the hell kind of intro is that?!

That was what I said when I saw this and knew I had to write a review after this expressing my own opinion on the matter. I've seen a lot of bad stuff. I like to think I rate fair. All in all I rate after what I personally think a film is and that is exactly what Im doing here.

Yes...I am rating this a 1 out of 10. I try to be fair with the films I watch. I know bad from good. I know mediocre from over. But this... THIS! This is a half-baked story,

Story & dialog = Boring and non-sensical due to the fact we have NO idea whats going on. We don't get any information about that after all. All we know is what the starting text told us. War, robots, home. Those 3 words sum up this film. ohh yea...and of course ANNOYING child acting.

Casting = I don't understand...what Ben Kinglsey...or Gillian Anderson. Wonderful Gillian Anderson who I loved from the X-Files which is getting a reboot soon. What...in the name of all that is SANE made you participate in this "thing"... whatever it is.

Camera = I had to mention this because sometimes through out this film the way it was shoot is actually making me queasy. The camera was shaking when it wasn't necessary and we're talking close-ups here. Never ending shaking cam from the very start. Yes...I get the film has to appear chaotic and disturbing BUT IT DOESN'T. A camera cannot fix that when the entire film screams: FAMILY FLICK. Which is funny considering its apparently not part of that genre.

Music = Ahh yes. The music here is pretty much as you'd expect the only keeping you awake through the sheer boredom of it all. Funny fact is also that at times the music outdoes the drama or action of the film itself. As if they knew they had to pump us up in order to keep us engaged because they knew this was doomed to fail WHICH IS MOST CERTAINLY is in MY own opinion.

THESE ACTORS....HAD NOTHING BETTER TO DO THE DAY THEY STARRED IN THIS. Whether its the money, the boredom, doing someone a favor (a BIG ONE) all in all. All except those god awful teen actors (STOP MAKING THESE FILMS Hollywood. Especially you JJ Abrams!STOP IT) had nothing...nothing... better to spend...correction "waste" their time on.

My first impressions of this was horrible. The poster with the child on it was disturbing me. I figured "another family sci fi piece of garbage" but I went with it. Film begins: Child screaming at his father with the most annoying voice I have ever heard. Not even fantastic Jim Carrey in Dumb Dumber with his "worst sound in the world" was this annoying. Holy mother of god.

And from there the film just flies from left to right following this corridor type of preset chronological progress due to the fact that REGARDLESS where these teens are...apparently they all know something about stuff that we don't. Let me elaborate on that, my dear reader. If you expect to get insight into whats going on throughout this film... don't. Forget about it! because it ain't happening here! You will be exposed to non-sensical, boring, linear half-baked, lackluster and UTTERLY ANNOYING story, acting, character progression and especially...ESPECIALLY that god awful child robot with his extremely freaking annoying voice and facial expression. Oh my god. It made my face cringe when I saw him. It made it cringe when he talked. It makes me cringe now just by mentioning it.

This film, this story, is the worst idea any writer and director has EVER had. EVER. I swear to god Titanic 2 is better than this and that film contains all that makes films bad. But bottom line is that you can LAUGH at titanic 2. You can enjoy pretty women. You can enjoy from time to time "okay-ish" acting.

This here... contains sloppiness. Lack of interest. The dialog that especially Ben Kingsley has is laughably bad. He's the dude working for the robots walking around PREVENTING THEM from getting killed. Thats it. Everybody else gets nuked when they go outside their homes. But when the kids do it. Good ol' Kingsley shows up and just before the countdown (with a crazily annoying robot voice counting down by the way) and says STOP! Can't do that! I got the code to shut you off! Take that robo! The kids gotta live or else we don't have a film.

Okay he doesn't actually say that BUT HE SHOULD because thats all his role is. Literally. That is all he does.

Im tired of ranting here guys. But like the title said. This is MY opinion on what I've just wasted my time seeing.

I think this is among the top 5 of the worst films I've ever seen here. And I base that on the fact that I don't ever want to watch this ever again. Unlike horrible garbage I've seen over the years this film has actually had people caring for it. People trying. Producers throwing money into special effects. The result is a god-awful excuse for a film. A film that made my face cringe. My skin crawl. Acting that annoyed me. Cast that shocked me. Awkwardly over the top music at times and finally THE WORST IDEA AND STORY FOR A FILM EVER MADE. This is boardroom story and dialog, guys. Stuff you cooked up in 5 minutes. Lackluster and half-baked.

This is my opinion after seeing this film.
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