Love, Rosie (2014)
Love, Love, Rosie.
13 April 2015
Love, Rosie's leads Lily Collins and Sam Claflin add strength to this adaption that struggles to convert its story from paper to screen. They both hide their love for each other instead of biting the bullet and opening up to each other. They spend 12 years in awkward oblivion (apparently it's longer in the novel). They keeps secrets from each other, Alex's being marriage and Rosie's is pregnancy. Amongst the hardships and the inconceivable privacy are two souls who look and feel normal, never sloping into the ludicrous, always down-to-earth. There is chemistry behind the acting. They push their affections to the front, more so than most rom-com partners pull off. The story doesn't stand-out, the performances do. This is a film to fill up those rainy days and delve into a relationship if only you take the leap.
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