Review of The Canal

The Canal (2014)
15 April 2015
Greetings from Lithuania.

"The Canal" (2014) is delusional, boring, badly paced mess. It has one or two chilly moments, but after them you start thinking was it real or just in the head of our main character. I didn't like this guessing, and overall reaction to this movie is very poor.

"The Canal" has not bad acting, and not bad directing at the moments, but overall it's a confusing mess. It's very uneven, with script so confusing that towards the end this movie started to drag and because it's running time is only 1 h 29 min - that's a very bad sign.

Overall, "The Canal" had the potential to become a descent horror flick, if the script weren't so interested in psychological aspects, because as psychological horror movie this one doesn't work - either you play with the audience straight (no psycho stuff), either you have to know how to do it right that it would be interesting to watch. In this movie's case, it done wrong and that's why this movie is confusing and simply boring.
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