Battle Creek (2015)
hope battle creek returns. to bad we lost stalker.
6 May 2015
As everyone puts it now in my opinion the premise sounded silly however,it's a very funny show that doesn't need a stupid laugh track to cue you when to laugh,is not trying to make a point and they don't make of fun of anyone for a cheap shot. Come on people have you all forgotten what a sense of humor is. I hope CBS brings it back. An while I'm at Stalker was good too. Why do people find it so difficult to except a show that isn't like a series as in law & order, NCIS,CSI. Many of them are basically the same show just different cities so much thinking to that. Since there's not suppose to be winners or losers in today's society and no one's feelings can get hurt. Keeping in mind everyone's feelings I hope I did not hurt any. Caution if you are going to write a review keep in mind you have to write a book so it can be edited so prepare to dummy down.
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