Review of Warsaw 44

Warsaw 44 (2014)
Dreamy and bloody emotional roller-coaster with pop nerve but heavily founded.
11 May 2015
WARSAW 44 makes no apologies, asks for no forgiveness, it's a no holds barred assault on the senses. Komasa doesn't care if he offends, if he steps all over stereotypes and clichés, this is film making at it purest. It's great to see a film maker whose work clearly isn't interfeared with by the powers that be.

I went along to the movies not really wanting to see this movie, thinking it was a 'girly' movie, one which had more technical skill rather than a storyline. I was surprised more than anything I could imagine.

I have seen a lot of movies in my time, but this movie just took me by storm. Its uniqueness, ironically enough because it was based on a real life situation was a refreshing change from the usual Hollywood blockbuster. This movie provided a brilliant (pardon the pun) insight into how people especially those young ones cope with a tragic trauma that is war in this case.

Either way it's a roller coaster and one not to be missed! A war film hasn't been done like this before. Maybe it could refer at times to Inglorious Basterds but WARSAW 44 is much more darker and meaningful in tone. Certainly if you're not a fan of Tarantino's style, this may be bit harder to understand, but never-the-less, it is a film which simply has to be seen. No self respecting film fan should miss this. And the performance of young actors... Oscar don't you dare ignore him!!
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