No One Lives (2012)
An OK concept executed with herpaderp.
9 June 2015
A group of small-time bad guys accidentally kidnap the biggest bad guy... Whoops.

A decent concept, but some of the worst acting and writing I've ever seen. Sure, if you're here for some thrills, there's a few to be had, but you really seriously have to switch your brain off.

This one may fit into the so bad its good category, depending on your attitude, which is probably why it has so many positive reviews. Objectively though, its so bad its bad.

I should highlight one particularly ridiculous scene: the image of one character unzipping themself out of another character who they had been hiding inside... Absolutely ridiculous, unnecessary, considering the character could have hid literally anywhere else. So yes, if that sounds good, then that's the sort of movie you're in for.
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