Run All Night (2015)
Breathless Thriller
27 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
In New York, the decadent alcoholic Jimmy Conlon (Liam Neeson) is the former hit man known as Gravedigger. Jimmy is a lonely man and his only friend is the mobster Sean Maguire (Ed Harris) that was also his boss. Jimmy's estranged son Mike Conlon (Joel Kinnaman) is a former boxer that works as limousine driver and is married with children. Sean's son Danny Maguire (Boyd Holbrook) is an ambitious troublemaker. On the Christmas Day, Danny deals with Albanese drug dealers but Sean refuses to participate. Danny schedules a meeting with the men at home to give the money he had received back. Mike coincidently drives the two Albanese in the limousine and Danny kills them in his house. Then he hunts Mike down since he does not want eyewitnesses for what he did. Jimmy goes to Mike's house and saves his life killing Danny. Now Sean seeks revenge and puts a contract on Jimmy and Mike that are hunted down along the night by the mobsters, the hired hit man and the corrupt police officers. Sean does not want a deal and Jimmy's only chance to protect Mike and his family is the support of the honest Detective Harding (Vincent D'Onofrio) that has been on his tail for many years.

"Run All Night" is a breathless thriller with one of the best action actors of the present days, Liam Neeson, and the top-notch Ed Harris. The supporting cast is also great. The plot is well constructed with developed characters and non-stop action. The conclusion is predictable but Jimmy is a doomed character from the beginning and could not have a different fate. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "Noite Sem Fim" ("Endless Night")
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