What are movie makers thinking?
25 July 2015
I can never understand why a movie producer or director will go to all the trouble and spend millions of dollars and end up with a film with so many obvious errors. These always show up in the "Goofs" section. Some are pretty obvious while others can be subtle. I see this as laziness on their part and an insult to the viewing public. I have ridden horses all my life and when you are out in the middle of nowhere and dismount, the last thing you do is let loose of the horse and let them wander off. REALLY! How stupid! Gee, it's only thirty eight miles back to the farm, I don't have any water or food so I think I'll just turn O'l Buck loose. How unrealistic. When the Chinese railroad crew set down the two rails on the ties and just started whacking them with their hammers, (no railroad spikes involved) I really had to laugh. Think how many people watched that scene and thought how stupid it was? You don't have to be a railroad expert to see the problem. For all the money these directors get paid, you would think they could have someone around who would clue them in.
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