5 Flights Up (2014)
Possibley the tamest movie ever made
4 August 2015
Ruth & Alex are getting a little long in the tooth to handle the stairs to the apartment they bought when they were young. So they feel pressured to buy a new place.

This is exactly what happens. Expect no drama, no twists, no confrontations or hilarious antics. You really are just watching Morgan Freeman and Diane Keaton buy a new house.

When the flash backs of their youth come they are fleeting and sparse.

Enjoyment of this movie depends greatly on the viewers mind-set. If you are feeling fragile or in the mood for something very gentle and subtle (this is as gentle and subtle as it gets)with out a hint of danger or drama then this is for you. If you are looking for something more (anything more) this is probably going to feel very, very long.

Great production, acting, the characters are interesting and endearing - but be prepared NOTHING happens.
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