Review of The Kiss

The Kiss (1988)
I seen this f*cking movie!
5 August 2015
This movie is about the Church and Lesbians, and how some lesbians are evil vampires. Not all lesbians are vampires but enough lesbians are so the Church recommends just not being a lesbian, but also it's a horror movie. It could have been one of those horror movies that was good but instead it's a thinly veiled metaphor about how the Church is good and sexuality is bad, especially if that sexuality is not hetero. So you want to know things about this movie? You want me to tell you stuff about this movie, like my theories and opinions? Nope. This is a garbage movie, the time when it was made is irrelevant and nobody did a good job. If you want to redeem this movie start with lighter fluid and matches.
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