Review of Pixels

Pixels (2015)
Don't tell anybody I killed a smurf.......
8 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
When aliens mistake images of 1980s arcade games as a sign of aggression, they attack Earth with evil versions of Pac-Man, Donkey Kong and other video-game characters.

In response, the U.S. president asks his old gamer pals to battle the invaders.....

I'm one of those rare people who actually like the work of Adam Sandler. Sure, he's made a few Mis-steps in the past couple of years, but despite the fact that he has garnered an unbelievable amount of haters, his films always have at least one bonkers moment.

So it's no surprise that this movie would fail, because people would be embarrassed to like the movie, because all the hipsters hate them a bit Adam.

Well I most not be hip, because this film gave me what I expected, a fun ninety or so minutes, some funny random moments, Kevin James playing the same role he always does, and Dinkledge stealing the film from everyone.

Sandler knows what he's doing, he plays the everyday guy who always gets the girl and always saves the day. It's the predictability of his movies and the movies that Happy Madison produce. He's been doing it for twenty years, so why should he do it any different.

The film is basically Ghostbusters, but with video game characters we all know and love as the bad guys. That's the film. We travel to Britain where the depiction of the British is I scenes, but so over the top it's hilarious (I'm British, and it's your stereotypical Hollywood depiction that's been done since the seventies).

And then it's back and forth fighting the titular villains until the big finale. Apart from the PAC-MAN sequence, there is nothing new here, the jokes are almost a linear part of a Sandler vehicle, slightly sexist, very moronic, but, they still never fail to make me smile.

All in all if you are a fan of Sandler, see it, its nowhere near as bad as what the critics and haters are saying, but then again, in some circles, it's not cool to like films that people disregard before even seeing.

I'm glad I'm not in those circles, because I'd miss some brainless fun to make me forget about the stresses of the real world.

Man up, and admit you liked it really.
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