Review of Bounce

Bounce (2000)
Simple, sweet, lukewarm
12 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This was okay; simple sweet, sad, a bit mindless actually which is why it worked for me. I just wanted to watch something I didn't have to think too hard about.

I did find the story idea interesting; about a man who gives up his seat on a plane to another man (basically so he can get it on with fellow stranded passenger Natasha Henstridge) Minutes after takeoff the plane crashes. A year later 'Buddy' is fresh out of rehab and still suffering survivors guilt. Feeling responsible he tracks down the man's widow and tries to help her, falling in love during the process.

Lots of familiar faces in this (except for Jennifer Grey who I still have trouble recognizing). Ben Affleck's character is a bit of a dick initially but as things progress he has several crying scenes. The one where 'Cleo' makes him say goodbye to her kids was heart wrenching but 3 may have been too many.

I enjoyed Gweneth Paltrow as the widow. Her character is goofy, sweet and struggling. Tony Goldwyn of 'Scandal' presidency has a small role as her doomed husband and Joe Morton also from 'Scandal' is Buddy's business partner. I enjoyed Johnny Galecki,(Big Bang Theory) he's in the gay BFF role.

On the downside the romance was kinda lukewarm and while I can put up with a bit of product placement in a movie, the cans of diet coke littered throughout this became a bit of a joke, very distracting. There was also a silly scene with Cleo's giant dog attacking Buddy which felt sitcom-ish. 8/3/15
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