Stuart Little (1999)
Great movie for all the Family
3 September 2015
Note - This is a condensed version of my review


To start I felt the voice and on screen actors gave great performances. Michael J. Fox as the voice of Stuart little was a great choice as he brings in my opinion allot of charm and emotion to the role, now it may seem strange to cast him as the voice of a ten year old mouse even though at the time Michael was in his late thirties. It's really hard to comment on though because I thought the voice and the character design fitted perfectly. The rest of the voice cast are great too, Nathan lane as the voice of Snowbell is again another great casting choice, and he brings so much charm to the role as this reluctant and over melodramatic feline, not to mention Steve Zhan as Monty the alley cat who brings allot of wisecracking humour to the role.

The on Screen performances are also very really great; Keep in mind that Huge Laurie, Geena Davis and Jonathan Lipnicki all had to work with thin air, literally. As Stuart was this CGI character, he'd later be brought onto the big screen through post production as all the on screen actors had to work with was maybe a replica doll of Stuart and then would have to do the actual take with just them imagining he was there on the set so it's pretty impressive considering that's what they had to work with throughout the majority of the film.

I also have to mention that the score by Alan Silvestri is incredible. I felt the score truly brought Stuart little to life and made all of these small sized adventures seem more grand and captivating than originally thought. Now some may say that the score can get some what overly whimsical at times however I thought the score was perfect for this film and really stands out during the Central Park Boat Race. Alan Silvestri has performed scores for many films including allot of Robert Zemeckis productions including the Back to the Future Trilogy, Forest Gump, Cast Away and even the first two Predator films not to mention a couple Marvel films including captain America: The First Avenger and the Avengers.

I should also mention the direction of Rob Minkoff is great too; some of the action scenes in the film including the Central Park Boat Race and a car chase that happens later on in the film are very well shot and extenuate how daring these events must be for a mouse like Stuart.

As I said at the beginning of this review Stuart little was nominated for an Oscar for best visual effects, how this wasn't for best original score, I don't know but considering the other two films nominated for best visual effects were the Matrix and Star Wars Episode One: The Phantom Menace, I think the film got overshadowed by those two films but I do think the CGI for Stuart has held up incredibly well and considering the Film came out over 16 years ago, the Oscar nomination is well deserved and plus id rather take Stuart Little any day over, Jar ,Jar Binks.


Some of the dialogue is also a bit odd, like there's this scene when Mr little and George are preparing their boat for the Central Park Boat Race. George is unsure about the boat race and Mr Little asks if George is okay and George says he wants to go home. Mr little asks 'why' and George says 'I forgot to bring my lucky underwear, Mr little replies'you don't have lucky underwear' but George replies with 'well maybe we should get some and then come back for another race'. What? I don't know whether that was meant to be funny but to me at least it's a very strange piece of dialogue but then again this movie was written by M. Night Shyamalan so I shouldn't really be surprised one bit.

I'm also not sure how close the movie follows the original novel and keep in mind that I haven't read the novel and I have heard that the worthy follow up Stuart Little 2 follows more closely to the original novel than the first film. I heard in the original novel that Stuart got caught in a window-blind while exercising, and then Snowbell places Stuart's hat and cane outside a rat hole, panicking the family. I believe they may have replaced this scene with the one from first film in which Stuart is accidentally thrown into the washing machine although the Central Park Boat Race is in the original novel.

I think the biggest complaint that this film gets quiet often is how unbelievable it is because well, how can a mouse walk around New York without being stepped on by the foot of a human. How can you adopt a mouse as your son and take him home on the same day, how come cars and boats are operational with inner working parts without the use of an RC steering wheel, and Batteries. You really do have to go into this film with as much suspension of disbelief as possible; otherwise you'll probably hate this Movie for how unbelievable it is.

Final Verdict:

Overall I think Stuart little is a good movie for all the family. Although the film takes some liberates with adapting the film from the novel and the dialogue is a bit odd, the excellent voice and on screen performances, Incredible score by Alan Silvestri and amazing special affects make this film stand out over other family films, the film has also in my opinion has held up surprisingly well after the film was released 16 years ago, in my opinion Stuart Little gets an Seven out of ten
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