Star Trek: The Corbomite Maneuver (1966)
Season 1, Episode 10
Bluff and counter-bluff
9 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
When the Enterprise comes across a strange cubical space-buoy it is forced to come to a full stop; each time it changes course the buoy moves too and blocks its path. Eventually it starts emitting radiation at levels that prove dangerous and Captain Kirk is forced to order its destruction. Shortly afterwards they meet a vast ship. A voice announces that the Enterprise and its crew have been judged to be dangerous and they will be destroyed in ten minutes. As the minutes pass navigator Lt Bailey starts to panic and is relieved of duty. Spock manages to open a video link and we see the alien; an imposing humanoid who identifies himself as Commander Balok. Spock compares the situation to a game of chess but Kirk disagree; he says it is a game of poker… and in a game of poker one may bluff. That is just what Kirk does when he announces that the Enterprise, and other Star Fleet vessels, are fitted with something called the 'Corbomite Device' which will automatically destroy any ship that attacks. Will Balok call his bluff or back down?

The special effects may seem a little dated now but this is still a classic episode with an enjoyable twist in the tail. It was interesting to see how the stress of the situation affected people; most obvious was Lt Bailey but it was also noticeable that Kirk was getting snappy; especially when McCoy points out that he had warned Kirk about Bailey's rapid promotion to a position he wasn't ready for. Balok proves to be one of the series most memorable antagonists; I loved how it turned out that he wasn't quite what he first appeared. Away from the main story it was fun to see Kirk forced to undergo a fitness test then being put on a salad diet! The cast all do a solid job in this early (in the production run) episode. Overall a good story with a nice mix of drama and humour.
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