Review of Pawn Sacrifice

4 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Pawn Sacrifice is intriguing. One watches Pawn Sacrifice wanting to know more. The characters of Fisher and Spassasky were believable. The director creates a brilliance of Fisher's unpredictability which stymies the opposition. One is mesmerized by the recurring theme of Fisher's unpredictability. Why? What is he doing? The bizarre and unpredictable actions come to fruition as opponents become unhinged. Fisher's tactics made others fight on Fisher's terms. Were the tactics mental illness or planned? I do not know. . Was the C I A bankrolling Fisher? I speculate, maybe. In the end, we see Fisher's brilliance slowly drive him mad. A exciting movie on what could be a dull and dry topic, chess. 7 out of 10. Liev Schrieber should get a academy nomination for the the role of Spassasky. Liev Schrieber clapping at the greatest chess game ever played shows a love for a game which exceeds politics and personal rivalries was a memorable moment. Worth seeing.
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